8 chairs, 2022
925 sterling silver
size variable

在現代社會的「速食時代」,控制自己的休息與工作成為一種奢侈。 在人生旅途中,椅子象徵著各種的休 息、「閒」的意味,同時充斥著每個瞬間。
《8 Chairs》系列由八張椅子組成,每張椅子都像徵著人生的不同階段,拼湊出一個從嬰兒到老年的人 生故事。 然而如何從一張椅子過渡到另一張椅子,主要取決於社會結構、意識及生理需要等,當中的轉變關 係讓我們反思及思考如何在有限的人生之中尋找,享受時日。

In the fast-paced era we live in, full control over rest and work becomes a luxury. A carousel of chairs lends themselves to brief moments of recess as we journey through life.
The series, comprised of 8 chairs each emblematic of different stages in life, piece together a story of life from infant years to old age. Transitioning from one chair to the next, however, is predominantly determined by social constructs, leaving us to ponder how to relish life on a predestined path.
The delicately crafted miniatures, instead of our bodies, they offer a vacant space for the soul, an opportunity for self- reflection and a well-deserved rest for the mind.
